About me

Hello fellow Macrophotography enthusiasts! First of all, thank you so much for your interest in my custom flash diffuser.

I am Brendan James. A full-time Macrophotographer based in Cairns, The far north tropics of Australia. An insect paradise!

I have been an artist since a young child, So my transition into photography in 2017 was quite rapid, as I already had an eye for composition and color having come from a painting, street art and digital design background. The infinite colours, patterns, shapes and textures of these tiny unique creatures was what really drew me into the world of Macrophotography and Entomology.

What is Cygnustech

The company was founded in 2017. Cygnus X-1 is the first black hole discovered and resides in the constellation of Cygnus (Latin for Swan). It belongs to the high-mass X-ray binary system located around 6070 light years from our Sun. I really love cosmology, technology and advanced technical systems. So, I combined the two into the company name Cygnustech.

I have worked tirelessly over the last few years developing this simple portable diffuser for tiny shiny subjects, compared to other cumbersome soft boxes on the prosumer market which are terrible for macro photography and reaching tight places.

I have tried them all, and tested every piece of material I could find! From silk curtains, ice cream containers, and pringles cans. Nothing achieved the results I desired so I developed my own. I started with complex designs with many buttons and panels. After over 50 iterations I’ve refined it down into the simple sleek diffuser you see today used by thousands of professionals world wide.

With a macro lens and the lighting I have harnessed, hidden worlds can be revealed far beyond what the human eye can see.

I hope you enjoy it as much as we all do. I truly look forward to seeing your macro journey and becoming part of the Cygnustech family!

Kind regards and happy bug hunting! - BJ

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